Welcome to the Generosity Revolution!
The Generosity Revolution is built on the fact that God has given us all things to enjoy
and the best way to enjoy those things is by sharing them with others.
1. According to Webster’s dictionary, generosity is “the quality of being characterized with a kindly spirit or liberal in giving.” While a revolution is a “fundamental, radical change in the way of thinking about something.” Our desire is to start a revolution in our community toward generosity that impacts the lives of everyone around us. It is so easy to look at all of the negative things in our world today. The constant barrage of negative stories in the news from our country and around the world can cause us to lose hope in humanity and for our lives. But there really is a better way to live. King Solomon, one of the richest men of his time and the wisest man who ever lived, wrote the following, “A generous person will prosper, and whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
2. Being kind to others and helping those in need brings prosperity and refreshment to the person who gives as well as the one who receives. Ultimately, however, it goes deeper than that. We want people to see that our acts of generosity are motivated by God’s love for us. “We love (are generous toward others) because God first loved us.”
3. John 3.16 says, “God so loved the world (and everyone in it) that He gave His one and only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” By sharing the gifts God has given to us, we want you to see and know that God loves you too. (1 Timothy 6.17-19 2 Proverbs 11.25 3 1 John 4.19)
If you have questions or would like to know more about God’s love and the Generosity Revolution,
click here to send us a quick message and we will get in touch with you shortly.